行動学会 MailNews (67) 4 June 2009 行動学会 MailNews は日本動物行動学会の会員向けに不定期に発行されるメール マガジンです。 *************************************************************           CONTENTS ・性選択に関する研究集会 ・哺乳類の社会性進化のシンポジウム いずれも(ウェブサイトを見るとわかる内容でもありますし)添付ファイルは付 けておりません。 ************************************************************* 性選択に関する研究集会 Tom Pizzari and Tobias Uller invite you to the Summer Conference of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB), on 2-4 September 2009, at St. John\\\'s College, University of Oxford. Entitled \\\"The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex\\\", the conference will celebrate the bicentenary of Darwin\\\'s birth with a focus on Darwin\\\'s theory of Sexual Selection. The conference will comprise a combination of plenaries from established researchers in the field of sexual selection, and student talks. Invited plenary speakers include: Suzanne Alonzo (University of Yale), Tim Birkhead (University of Sheffield), Clive Catchpole (Royal Holloway) Geoffrey Miller (University of New Mexico), Pat Monaghan (University of Glasgow), and Tristram Wyatt (University of Oxford). ***Please note that the deadline for earlybird registration is 31 May 2009*** More info at: http://www.zoo.ox.ac.uk/events/asab09/index.htm For enquiries please contact: (Web公開用に省略) We would be grateful if you could circulate this message and attached poster among colleagues and students. Kind regards, Tom Pizzari & Tobias Uller ************************************************************* 哺乳類の社会性進化のシンポジウム I would greatly appreciate, if you could forward the below announcement (the text is also attached to this mail) of the symposium \\\"The use of vertebrate model systems to study social evolution\\\" to the members of the Animal Behaviour mailing list. Thank you very much! Michael Taborsky ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The use of vertebrate model systems to study social evolution 15 - 18 August 2009, Adelboden, Bernese Alps, Switzerland Invited speakers: Prof. Nadia Aubin-Horth, Universit? de Montrial, Canada Prof. Sigal Balshine, McMaster University, Canada Prof. Tim Clutton-Brock, University of Cambridge, UK Prof. Jan Komdeur, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands Dr. David S. Richardson, University of East Anglia, UK Summary: To understand the evolution of complex social organization (including structured groups, cooperation between group members, task sharing, individualized relationships, divergent social roles) we need suitable model systems that (1) dispose of the required complexity of social organization, (2) allow to observe and measure relevant traits and their fitness effects in the field, and (3) enable performance of crucial experiments to unravel underlying ultimate and proximate mechanisms of advanced sociality. Among vertebrates, there are a few model systems that fulfil these criteria, like meerkats, Seychelles warblers and Lake Tanganyika cichlids. The aim of this symposium is to provide state-of-the-art insight into the mechanisms underlying advanced social behaviour by bringing together experts studying respective model systems in mammals, birds and fishes. Structure of the symposium: Invited speakers and other participants who wish to contribute to the theme of the symposium will present relevant results and overviews of the(ir) research on the respective model systems. In the discussion, we shall emphasize the involved ultimate and proximate mechanisms and attempt to compare them between different vertebrate taxa to understand the importance of intrinsic differences in their biology. We shall further discuss the pros and cons of the respective model systems to unravel general principles of social evolution. We expect that at the end of this symposium the participants will dispose of a good understanding of some of the most complex and best studied model systems of social evolution. Where and when: The symposium will take place in Adelboden, an alpine village in the Bernese Alps ( http://www.adelboden.ch/en/navpage-SummerAB.html ). The venue is the high-altitude holiday resort Crea ( http://www.hotel-crea.ch/ adelboden/ ) that combines the convenience of a nice setting in a breathtaking landscape with the practical amenities of a well-proven seminar venue. It is within easy reach by public transport from any Swiss city. For all details of the meeting and registration please consult: http://behav.zoology.unibe.ch/index.php?pp=56&p=66 Registration until 1 July 2009 at: (Web公開用に省略) Credits:1-2 ECTS can be obtained, depending on the contribution of the participant Organizer: Michael Taborsky, University of Bern ( michael. (Web公開用に省略) ) ****** end of Japan Ethological Society MailNews (67) ********** 連絡先メールアドレス等はWeb公開用に省略しています。 お知りになりたい方は京都女子大学中田兼介まで(中田のメールアドレスはトップページにあります)