行動学会 MailNews (248) February 23 2018 ISABMEC2018 行動学会 MailNews は日本動物行動学会の会員向けに不定期に発行されるメール マガジンです。 ******************************************************************           CONTENTS * ISABMEC2018 ****************************************************************** 日本動物行動学会の皆様 エアロ・アクアバイオメカニズム学会事務局を務めます.東京電機大学の伊東明 俊と申します. 本学会では,今年8月28日から,東京電機大学で下記の国際会議を開催します. この会議二回目の日本開催となりますが,東京開催であっても,日本人の参加者 の方も楽しめる工夫をしておりますので,是非ご発表をご検討ください. 申込期限が迫っておりますが,申込にとりあえず必要なのは,300−400 Wordの概要だけですので,今からでも全く遅くありません. キーノートスピーカーも,面白い研究をされている人をお呼びすることが出来ま した. 関連するご研究をされている多くの方のご参加をお待ち申し上げております. よろしくお願い申し上げます. エアロ・アクアバイオメカニズム学会事務局 伊東明俊 ----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8< 7th International Symposium on Aero Aqua Biomechanisms ISABMEC2018 Invitation We are pleased to inform you that the 7th International Symposium on Aero-aqua Bio-Mechanisms (ISABMEC2018) will be held from 28th to 31th August 2018 in Kita-Senju, Tokyo, Japan. The ISABMEC is a unique series of international symposia started by The Society of Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms (ABMECH), aiming at bridging across biologists, scientists and engineers and advancing the interdisciplinary fields of novel mechanisms in biological systems and biomimetics. Our past symposia (Honolulu 2000, Honolulu 2003, Okinawa 2006, Shanghai 2009, Taipei 2012 and Honolulu 2014) have been successful in attracting about 300 participants from more than 10 countries. The ISABMEC 2018 in Tokyo will be a memorable event for colleagues and friends from all over the world to establish friendships and to promote academic exchanges at an international and interdisciplinary level. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it gives us great pleasure to warmly welcome you and your colleagues to attend this symposium. Topics The main topics of the symposium are as follows: ・ Biomechanics in Microorganisms ・ Biomechanics in Insect & Bird Flights ・ Swimming Biomechanics ・ Sports Biomechanics ・ Computational Biomechanics ・ Bio-system and Bio-structure ・ Biomaterial ・ Biosensors and Location Control Bioacoustics and Bio-logging Biological Neuromuscular system Bio-robotics and Bionics Biomimetics in Underwater Vehicles Biomimetics in Aerial Vehicles Artificial Materials and Actuators Micro-and Nano-Technology in Biosystems Important Days 〇 Deadline for abstract submission 28th February, 2018 (Extended!) 〇 Notification of acceptance 16th March, 2018 (Changed) 〇 Deadline for full paper submission 30th April, 2018 Venue (planned) ISABMEC2018 is now planned to be held at TOKYO DENKI UNIVERSITY(TDU) SENJU CAMPUS located at 5 Senju Asahi-cho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo, 120-8551, Japan. Keynote Speakers Seven distinguised keynote speakers are planned to have their lectures in the conference. We are also planning to add one more speakers. Prof. Richard Bomphrey Royal Veterinary College, UK Assoc. Prof. David L. Hu Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Prof. Antonia Kesel Hochschule Bremen, Germany Assoc. Prof. Roberto Di Leonardo Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Emeritus Prof. Tatsuo Motokawa Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Prof. Yasuyuki Toda Osaka University, Japan Chair Prof. Dr. Tomonobu Goto, Tottori University, Japan Organization ISABMEC2018 is organized by The Society of Aero Aqua Bio-Mechanisms (ABMECH), Japan Contact Us ISABMEC2018 Secretariat Prof. Akitoshi Ito, Tokyo Denki University, Japan Tel: +81-3-5284-5468 Fax: +81-3-5284-5693 Email: (Web公開用に省略) ****** end of Japan Ethological Society MailNews (248) ********** 連絡先メールアドレス等はWeb公開用に省略しています。 お知りになりたい方は京都女子大学中田兼介まで(中田のメールアドレスはトップページにあります)