行動学会 MailNews (196) July 20 2016 行動学会 MailNews は日本動物行動学会の会員向けに不定期に発行されるメール マガジンです。 ******************************************************************           CONTENTS * Workshop on Evo-Devo of Vocal Learning and Plasticity ****************************************************************** * Workshop on Evo-Devo of Vocal Learning and Plasticity Date and Time: July 31st (Sun), PM1:10 - 5:30 Venue: K011, Komcee, Komaba, The University of Tokyo Chair: Kazuo Okanoya, Commentator: Atsushi Iriki Human speech depends on our ability for vocal learning. Vocal learning evolved independently in humans, birds, whales, bats, and elephants. How this trait evolved? What is the relationship between vocal development and vocal learning? What are common neural and molecular features? In this symposium, we gather specialists in this field and discuss Evo-Devo of vocal learning and plasticity. Time Table 13:10 Introduction (Kazuo Okanoya) 13:20 Evolution of vocal learning: a deep homology (Erich Jarvis, Duke University) 14:10 A Monkey Model System for Early Speech Development (Daniel Takahashi, Princeton University) 15:00 Break 15:10 Predisposition of vocal learnability in hybrid songbirds( Kazuhiro Wada & Azusa Sawai, Hokkaido University)) 15:30 A review of sound production and developments in cetaceans (Tomonari Akamatsu, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science) 15:50 Vocalization of horseshoe bat: Echolocation or Communication? (Kohta Kobayashi, Doshisha University) 16:10 Possible functions other than vocal behavior of the vocal learning system in birds (Yoshimasa Seki, Aichi University) 16:30 Source of vocal variation in birds and humans (Kazuo Okanoya & Yulri Nonaka, The University of Tokyo) 16:50 Comments (Atsushi Iriki) 17:00 Discussion (Kazuo Okanoya) 17:30 Conclusion Co-sponsored by Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Science (The University of Tokyo), Okanoya Laboratory (The University of Tokyo), The Science of Metal Time (Mext Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas) ****** end of Japan Ethological Society MailNews (196) **********