行動学会 MailNews (126) February 1 2013 行動学会 MailNews は日本動物行動学会の会員向けに不定期に発行されるメール マガジンです。 *************************************************************           CONTENTS ・IEC(国際動物行動学会議)の情報 ************************************************************* 今年8月にイギリスで行なわれるIEC(国際動物行動学会議)の情報です。 Behaviour 2013 - Earlybird bookings and abstract submission now open! IEC 2013 newsletter: Read it in your web browser 4 - 8 August, 2013, The Sage Gateshead, NewcastleGateshead, UK EARLYBIRD BOOKING FOR BEHAVIOUR2013 IS NOW OPEN! Register now to make the most of our fantastic early bird rate of £ 395.00, giving you access to our packed five day programme of plenary talks, symposia, contributed talks and posters. Deadline for early bird bookings is 7th April so secure your place early and make a £100 saving by registering now. To book your place click HERE or visit our website and confirm your place at the largest gathering of researchers working in the field of animal behaviour this year. Abstract submission now open! We are delighted to announce that abstract submission for Behaviour2013 is now open. We invite submissions for talks or posters in all areas of animal (including human) behaviour. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 7th April 2013 Abstracts can be submitted though our website: www.iec2013.com and click on the 'call for abstracts' page. PROGRAMME ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce confirmed plenary speakers for our 2013 conference. Iain Couzin, Princeton University, USA Iain’s work addresses adaptive collective phenomena in animal groups such as bird flocks, fish schools and insect swarms. He uses a combination of experimental and theoretical approaches. His talk will explore the principles of collective intelligence, and by explicitly reconstructing sensory networks in mobile animal groups, how distributed sensing and decision-making emerge from the dynamics of social interactions. Jane Hurst, University of Liverpool, UK Jane’s interests are in the functions, mechanisms and evolution of scent communication in mammals, the interactions between behaviour and disease, and animal welfare. Her work on scent communication has allowed her to address the interaction between behavioural and biochemical aspects of communication. Barbara Webb, Edinburgh University, UK Barbara’s innovative approach to understanding the control of behaviour involves building computational and robotic model organisms to understand how animals work. Recent topics addressed include multimodal integration, navigation and learning. Her talk will be about robot models of animal behavior. Kazuo Okanoya, University of Tokyo and JST-ERATO Kazuo studies vocal communication from a comparative perspective. His research is notable in that it spans from neuroscience to behaviour, and that it seeks to integrate our understanding of birdsong with our understanding of human language. His talk will explore social factors in bird song learning. Sharoni Shafir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Sharoni's interests are in cognition and behavioural ecology of honeybees. He has extended the study of risk-sensitivity and context-dependent evaluations in decision making from the vertebrate systems where they are usually studied to the bee, producing a series of remarkable experimental studies. Additional speaker: Winner of the ASAB Young Investigator Award Sarah Pryke, Australian National University, Australia Sarah has broad interests in behavioural and evolutionary ecology. Most of her work is focused on Gouldian finches, a unique colour polymorphic species that has a number of unusual characteristics that provide opportunities for investigating prominent questions in behavioural and evolutionary ecology. Symposia Highlights We had a fantastic response to our call for symposia, launched earlier in 2012. Following peer-review we have selected 33 symposia for the meeting covering all areas of animal behaviour. A full list of accepted symposia can be viewed on our website, but some highlights include: Adaptive behavioural variation Animal sentience and welfare: What can ethology offer? Numerical competence: from apes to ants Play Learning and speciation Sensation, Communication, and Foraging in Bees Cognition and sexual selection How can we tell if an animal’s death is a good one? Behavioural changes with advancing age Post-conflict affiliation: applications for conflict management in humans Key Dates 16th January 2013: Registration Open 16th January 2013: Poster and Oral Abstract Submissions Open 7th April 2013: Early Bird Booking Deadline and Close of Abstract Submissions Conference Fees We are pleased to be offering delegates a fantastic rate for Behaviour2013. The rates will be: Early Booking Full Conference: £395.00 Student Rate: £235.00 Late Booking Full Conference: : £495.00 Student Rate: £305.00 As I am sure you will agree, this is excellent value for a five day conference, and we have worked hard to keep costs as low as possible. We are also pleased to be offering a Developing Country special bursary rate, which will cost just £275.00 to attend the full five days. Details on how to apply for this are on our website. Sponsorship Opportunities For more information about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, contact us on 0044 191 244 2826 or email (Web公開用に省略) IEC Conference 2013 c/o Benchmark Communications 14 Blandford Square Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4HZ, UK E: (Web公開用に省略) T: +44 (0)191 241 4523 F: +44 (0)191 245 3802 Forward to a friend ****** end of Japan Ethological Society MailNews (126) ********** 連絡先メールアドレス等はWeb公開用に省略しています。 お知りになりたい方は京都女子大学中田兼介まで(中田のメールアドレスはトップページにあります)